Last Updated on January 23, 2023 by Team TSW
In this article we’ll discuss about disciplines related to social work. Social sciences form an essential part of social work knowledge repository. Social work is comparatively a modern discipline targeting mainly on solving psycho-social problems. The knowledge base of this profession is very much attached to the behavioral and social disciplines like psychology, sociology, economics, history, politics, management and social anthropology. These disciplines related to social work form an integral part of social work knowledge as well as practice. No social worker can close his eyes on the importance of sociological, psychological, anthropological and economic data in the study and the solution of problems. Hence it is vital to have an understanding of the relationship of these disciplines to social work.

Table of Contents
Sociology (Latin “socius” meaning companion and Greek “logos” the study) is the scientific study of the human society. It is science of society. Sociology is concerned with the study of the social life of man and his relationship with his environment. It is the study of social situation. The network of social relationship is nothing but society. The subject matter of sociology includes:
i) Social morphology:
Population its qualities, social groups, social institutions and organizations.
ii) Social processes:
The characteristic ways in which interactions occurs.
iii) Social control:
Religion, tradition, folkways, mores, belief, laws etc.
iv) Social pathology:
Crime, juvenile delinquency, suicide, unemployment, corruption, cultural deviation, etc.
v) Socialization:
A process through which a man develops into a social being.
vi) Social change:
The modification which occurs in the life pattern of people. Thus we can say that sociology is the scientific study of human organizations, groups and their interactions.
The following are the areas in which the contribution of Sociology is significant :-
- The systems theory in sociology has been used in the ecological model of social intervention in which the client systems are seen as being part of the environment and being influenced by it. (Germain, Carel in Reamer(ed), 1994: 103)
- The major three approaches of sociology – structural functionalist, Marxian and interactionist – have influenced social work practice. Marxist theories have helped social workers recognize that hostilities is part of society and that different sections in society have conflicting interests. These views have helped social workers look significantly at its very own methods and see whose interests the profession is serving. Further they have enabled social work specialists to impact social policy via advocating for legislations and programs.
- Sociological concepts like role, status, authority, power, rights, responsibility, groups, communities and nations are useful in casework, group work and community organization which has enriched social work practice.
- The study of family, types of families, different roles of family members, different functions of family and its members, the problems and means to resolve these problems.
- Problems of elderly and their solutions.
Social work derives most of its knowledge from sociology because the psycho-social problems of an individual cannot be diagnosed and solved without having the knowledge of his social environment.
Psychology studies the general principles of human acts. It is a study of the individual in whole. Psychology is only bothered with the mental aspects of an individual. It gives major attention on the working of the nervous system. Study of psychology helps us to recognize why and how human beings behave in a certain situation. Mental composition highly controls man’s activities. His emotions, attitudes and prior experiences determine how he acts and reacts.
Psychology gives much insight into the personal dimensions of an individual. It studies human behaviour, motivation and opinion. It also tells us the factors responsible for the formation of behavior. Social worker needs the expertise of these factors as he tries to impact the behaviour of the client. Professional social worker uses psychology as a discipline to know his clients and their behaviour.
Three main approaches influences the field of psychology:-
- Freudian and neo Freudian approaches. This approach gives priority to the unconscious part of the mind which plays an crucial role in determining the conduct of the individual. Sigmund Freud is the main patron of this approach but since then many others like Carl Jung have given new direction to this approach.
- Behavioural approach which takes behaviour as being learnt. Skinner the patron of this approach favored the use of experimental methods to study human conduct.
- The third approach is the gestalt approach which takes a comprehensive approach to the study of human nature.
Psychology provided a number of techniques to social work profession
- Behavior modification theories, psychoanalysis techniques like dream analysis, etc.
- Child development with emphasis on role expectation at every stage.
- Abnormal psychology and the various classification of mental illness.
- Counselling psychology.
Social worker often used these techniques to improve their practice.
Economics is one of the disciplines related to social work. It is the study of production and distribution of goods and services among the society. Economics has a number of branches— agricultural economics, development economics, financial economics; industrial economics etc. The prime focus of economic policy is to make system of production and distribution more inclusive. No corner of society is free from the influence of economic policies. Social workers face many cases in their career that are reflection of economic situation of clients such as meagre income, poverty, homeless, destitution, unemployment and migrations.

The economic activities of human beings are the subject of study in economics. It is related to production, consumption, exchange and distribution of wealth. The economic aspects of life are responsible for growth and development of human beings. In order to deal with the problems of man and society, it becomes essential to study social interactions’ but economic conditions affects social interactions. Social work studies the need of man including the economic necessities. If these necessities are not met, they turn into problems and come under the purview of social work.
Political Science
Science of the state is political science. It demonstrate the nature of the state, its importance, organizations, principles of administration and policies. It is concerned with the political life of a state. Social work stresses that various conditions of the state and the society influences one’s development and conduct.
The state has the authority to control all types of economic, moral and religious reactions and interactions. Social work cares about human relations and interactions. Therefore social worker needs to learn the knowledge of the state and various offices.
Formulating new legislation or upgrading the present legislation can solve plenty of problems. For this the study of political science is vital.
Social workers must know the law of land when they discharge their roles as counsellors. Secondly, social workers discharge a number of quasi-judicial functions in the correctional field, childcare, adoption and mental health field. Thirdly, in developing countries like in India the social worker better have knowledge of law to guard the poor from the misuse of law by the powerful. PIL is a stupendous tool to ensure rights to those whose rights have been snatched.
Hence the social work has to get a basic idea and knowledge of the following:
- Constitution with special focus on fundamental rights and directive principles.
- Free and fair legal aid to poor
- Legislations related to marriage, divorce, maintenance, adoption and succession.
- Special legislations to protect deprived sections.
- Public Interest Litigation (PIL) to protect poor and uninformed.
- Must be acquainted with basic procedures related to First Information Report, arrest, bail and charge sheet etc.
Social Anthropology
As the very term implies, anthropology is the study of human beings. unlike the other social and natural sciences, it studies human beings in its totality. Anthropology is the scientific study of the physical, social, and cultural development and conduct of human beings since their appearance on earth (IM Jacob & B T Stern). This knowledge is must to practice social work.
In their study, anthropologists give due consideration to the simple pre-literate societies, along with the complex urbanized communities. Anthropology also vouch cross cultural and comparative study of societies and cultures. In short, anthropology is a bio-social science that examines human beings in a holistic perspective with a field based and cross cultural methodology.
Social work students receive knowledge regarding the social organizations, their values, beliefs and customs on the basis of this knowledge, they recognize the want and difficulties of the tribal people. Then, a plan of action is constructed for the solution of their problems. This knowledge can be derived only through the study of anthropology.
Disciplines related to social work have been discussed here in detail and this article also explains how these disciplines are helpful in the successful social work practices.
2 responses to “Disciplines Related To Social Work”
An eye opening explanation of social work as a discipline.
The article was very helpful